Seeking Asylum in Finland

So many people would be attracted to live in Finland because of its popularity as a happy destination where the government really cares of its weakest. But then so many will think twice when it comes to getting residence as an asylum seeker in the country. For first timers, the term asylum arouses feelings of desperation or near homelessness.  Such feelings may be overly misleading as every other day, a good number of people run away from their countries to seek safe haven in Finland. Some of these people end up integrating into the system to become useful members of that society. So, should you find good reason to or end up being an asylum seeker in Finland, all isn’t lost as your human rights and necessities will be fully met.

To successfully seek asylum in Finland, one needs to know details and needed documents. If you do everything the right way then there is always a high likelihood of finding asylum  stay as very smooth. Let’s have a walkthrough on seeking asylum in Finland and the specific necessary details.

Get to know about asylum seeking in Finland

Are you thinking of seeking asylum in Finland? Without a doubt, seeking asylum in Finland is only possible if you are within Finnish borders. There is no such thing as an advance application either by email or by form. First, the form does not even exist. Also, you cannot apply via a Finland mission outside the country. Therefore, applying for asylum within Finland’s jurisdiction is do-or-die.

For reasons such as insecurity, warfare, or even persecution (not court-issued), people tend to flee their home countries. If Finland is your destination for refuge, it’s only wise to seek asylum on arrival. All you have to do is first notify the police or border control authority that you want to seek asylum. From there, the person in charge will take you through the process.

An asylum is a person who fled their native country to apply for international protection in another country. Asylum seekers usually look forward to the right to residency in the country in question. On the contrary, a refugee is one who has been conceded asylum. Thus, you become a refugee if your asylum is granted. Luckily, Finland is lenient enough to grant internationals both subsidiary and temporary protection.

What is the Difference between a Subsidiary and Temporary Protection in Finland?

According to Finland, subsidiary protection applies to people threatened by insecurity or other serious dangers from their motherland. Conversely, temporary protection only pertains to people fleeing the Ukrainian war. In truth, temporary protection is a swifter process than a subsidiary, but it only works for a limited number of people.

Key Highlights of Temporary Protection in Finland

As mentioned before, temporary protection only applies to people who are seeking asylum in Finland after fleeing Ukrainian warfare. Even though its process for application is lighter than subsidiary protection, it has several limitations.

  1. Their residence permit is only valid within a span of three years at the maximum.
  2. Finland, like all other EU member states, is forced to allow temporary protection.
  3. It is limited to a specific number of people, which cannot exceed.
  4. To extend your stay, you must apply for a new residence permit besides the one given temporarily.

Steps of Adult Asylum Application in Finland

As mentioned earlier, it is either the police or border control authority to take you through the process of seeking asylum. After you have reported your intention, the people in charge will register you as an asylum seeker. Things such as permits, identity cards, and passports will be handy in filling in your details. Additionally, it would help if you cooperated here because the attendant will take your photograph, fingerprints, and signature. After completing the registration, you will head to the reception centre.

Invitation for Interview when Seeking Asylum in Finland

The interview stage is again under the docket of either the Finnish Immigration Service or the police. Here, it is still up to the Immigration Body to decide whether to continue with your application process or not. For instance, upon realizing that other EU member states are responsible for your application, you are denied entry into Finland. For a fact, such denial means no interview for you.

After the interview, the people in charge can either approve or disapprove of your stay in Finland. It all depends on the underlying factors behind your coming to Finland. Therefore, you will need to act following the final verdict.

Final Verdict

It’s quite easy if the verdict is positive. Yours is to reside in the reception centre for free. However, it will be at your cost if you wish to reside elsewhere apart from the reception centre. Nonetheless, a negative decision is a bit complicated. It would mean leaving Finland or appealing the decision. If none befits your choice, you can as well apply for assisted voluntary return.

Healthcare and the Social Welfare of Asylum Seekers in Finland

No one in the asylum application process is covered by public social security or healthcare services. However, refugees still residing in the reception centre are so lucky. This is because they have no worries about such expenditures. Thanks to the Finnish government.

However, after you have settled in Finland, it would be wise if you explore and find a job. In such a safe, functional, and stable society, getting a job would possibly mean balancing both work and family life. It is even much easier to seek a job due to the very innovative industries that work perfectly to develop your skills. Make a perusal through this piece, and get a hint on some of the well-paying jobs for expatriates.

Social Benefits for Permanently Residing Refugees in Finland

All migrants who are permanent residents in Finland are entitled to universal social protection systems. You are automatically eligible for social benefits if you are a resident or worker. Key among the notable features of the Finnish Social system is that it is universal, with no favouritism whatsoever. The benefits are thereby categorized into employment-based and residence-based protection. To learn more about the benefits, check here.